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Federated Challenge Sponsor | Hartford Steam Boiler Munich RE | Construction site, workers shaking hands

Hartford Steam Boiler | Munich RE

Federated Challenge Sponsor | Hartford Steam Boiler Munich RE Home

HSB  is modernizing specialty insurance to protect against existing and emerging risks.

With over 150 years of experience, HSB continues to  help clients and policyholders with new and innovative thinking in a predict and prevent approach through evolving products, services and technology.

HSB is owned by its parent company, Munich RE, which has several U.S. subsidiaries that help protect clients with life, non-life, health insurance, and reinsurance products and services. Their expertise, financial strength, and innovations in countless fields help position individuals and businesses of all types for success.

Federated Challenge 2023 Honoree | Hartford Steam Boiler

2023 Honoree Greg Jones of Hartford Steam Boiler